Hi, I’m Fabio.

I was born in Asti where my art formation  in fine arts has begun. From 2016 to 2017 I attended the Beacon Academy (East Sussex, UK) where I took courses in photography, graphics, and design. Back in Italy, I continued to study visual arts at the Libera Accademia D’Arte Novalia where I graduated in painting and illustration in 2022. I has also experimented the engraving techniques and digital illustration that I added to the painting techniques, and these have taken place  in some exhibition and events in the last two years.

What I’m doing right now…

I’m currently based in Turin working full time as a creative freelance in different disciplines.

My last project was called ‘cellule’ (cells).

I had the opportunity to develop it at the Cavallerizza Reale in Turin during an art residency with other nine artists and an art curator.

During the last month I renovated a new art hub in my home town Asti, follow our program on:

my art shop is not ready yet, I’ll finish it soon I promise ! In the meantime you can have a look at my stuff in my story highlight and for anything you can text in DM on instagram. Enjoy!


Since 2021 I have been experimenting various graphic designs and engravings, using monotypes, linoleum, and black manners. I managed to convey both the illustrative imagination and the intensity of the painting. The exhibition “Nero su bianco” (“Black on white”) was the result of this union but also a kind of artistic and personal coming out imprinted with black ink on white paper.


Finally, as a bottom binder to my experimentation there is always digital and analogic photography, that I often use as a mean of documentation for painting or illustration or as the instrument as in the cases of the series “Look Down” and “Cause my sister lives in Sidney” that still maintain a voyeuristic look.


In the last year I had the opportunity to work more digitally, I started to produce an infinity of digital images and some animated videos by taking up the graphic essentiality of some engravings. Thanks to this type of images, I can more easily tie even the queer side of my art, creating real posters lgbtqia+ or dealing with some social issues that led me to participate to the Milan Pride 2022 as “Artist for pride”.

Follow my Instagram !

KEEP UP with my ART.