
c e l l u le

The following text is edited by Stefania Dubla, as the entire exhibition "Ho imparato dalla vita a non trasformare la perdita in assenza" "I learned from life not to turn loss into absence". It was composed of the works of ten artists of @non_collettivo.

Fabio Orioli is twenty-three years old and in his recent past there is the memory of a hospital bed with his body lying there.

Bone marrow transplantation consists in the transfusion of healthy hematopoietic stem cells to replace the diseased ones.

These cells, before finding their proper place, travel through the patient’s body, they pervade the body and then they disseminate themselves.

While each cell tries to find its own Ithaca, the patient is there, still, alert, and physically limited even in weaving and unweaving the net of waiting.

Orioli was looking at the ceiling of his own hospital room and he imagined the cells travelling, getting lost in unknown places and then returning home. It was a bit like his friends in their 20s who were leaving for who knows where, swimming, dancing or just walking around. In short, it was like other people’s lives that flowed without him.

Fabio graduated at The Libera Accademia Novalia in Alba, Orioli is a painter and already a skilled illustrator.

He experimented for the first time the breaking out of the two-dimensionality of the sheet with the site-specific installation “cellule” by creating a three-dimensional work, occupying, and conquering all the space – vital – possible.

Here, the viewer enters a gate, walks, and proceed; this allows him or her to experience externally what the artist experienced within himself.

Orioli with his installation keeps the metaphor that is linked to the world of childhood, and he represents with a multitude of red bugs those red blood cells and friends that crowded every nook and cranny of the body before returning home.

Or perhaps, those insects are the same Orioli who now does not care to wonder where he will end up, who wishes for himself the journey to Ithaca to be very long, fruitful with adventures and experiences.

Orioli does not regard time as lost, but he crowds it with vivid, graceful, scarlet desires.